Experience the clarity, dimensionality, frequency extension, dynamic contrast, and pure grip your A/V systems have been capable of delivering — if only the power had been right.
是的,就像它有助于提高音频质量一样。然而,问题在于信号压缩。在音频演示中听到的大部分是低于0.775V(0 VU – 线路电平)至少60分贝或更多的信号的发掘。这需要具有动态范围的源材料。如果音轨被限制为3dB动态范围的MP3舞曲文件,尼亚加拉产品将做出积极贡献,但效果会很微妙。视频也是如此。即使在高清和4K视频的时代,许多信号实际上也相当压缩。来自卫星或有线电视的平板屏幕是一个糟糕的测试!使用一个很棒的投影仪,正确对齐,并且可以逐帧重复的高分辨率循环。
While reviewing the TEAC PD-505T transport, Part-Time Audiophile’s Graig Neville is reminded that high-performance cables can have a powerful impact on overall performance.